Advanced Robotics 「Special Issue on Robot and Human Interactive Communication」特集号のご案内
ATRの塩見と申します.Advanced Roboticsにおいて「Special Issue on Robot and Human Interactive Communication」特集号の論文を募集しております.タイトルとしてはROMAN2020に関連する特集号となっておりますが,テーマに合った内容であればROMAN2020への投稿の有無は問いませんので,是非皆様奮ってご投稿いただければ幸いです.
Important dates:
Submission due:14 Jan 2021 (締め切りが延長されました)
Notification of acceptance: Apr-May 2021 Final Submission: June 2021
Publish:August 2021 (Vol. 35, Issue 16)
The main purpose of this special issue is to publish state-of-the-art innovative results, the latest developments as well as future perspectives relating to robot and human interactive communication. Based on this idea, the special issue is open to all the thematic areas related to human-robot interaction. It will also carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the main conference and workshops of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020).
The special issue covers a wide range of topics related to human-robot interactive communication, involving theories, methodologies, technologies, empirical and experimental studies. Papers related to the study of the robotic technology, psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, human factors, interaction-based robot design and other topics related to human-robot interaction are welcome to be submitted. The topic of the special issue includes, but are not limited to other themes (please see below page for the detail):