Activities of the Society

The Robotics Society of Japan was founded with the aim to facilitate and spread the development of research and knowledge of robotics and to promote the growth of academics. We undertake the following in order to fulfill these purposes:

  1. Holding of academic meetings, seminars, visiting tours, etc.
  2. Publication of academic journals, international journals in European languages, and other periodicals
  3. Research and investigation
  4. Encouragement of research and recognition of research performance
  5. Communication and cooperation with related domestic and foreign academic organizations
  6. Other matters necessary for the achievement of our purposes

Next we will introduce each of our undertakings.

Recent activities of our society are shown in ‘Introduction of the RSJ[Update:March 2024]

Academic Meetings

We host an annual conference and robotics symposia, and co-host or support symposia, etc., with other academic societies.

Annual Conference

Our annual conference is the main event held by the Society. Our 37th Annual Conference was held in 2019, and both the number of lectures and participants continue to steadily increase year after year. In 2019, we had 651 lecture presentations, with a total of 1,310 participants. In addition, our exhibition projects, such as equipment exhibitions and book catalogue exhibitions, special sessions, symposia, special lectures, etc., enjoy a good reputation. Presentations of the Best Paper Award, Technical Innovation Award and Young Investigation Excellence Award are performed at the time of annual conferences. (A committee for the execution of an annual conference is established in a university co-hosting the conference, and handle preparation, operation and management.)

Annual Conference

Robotics Symposia

The “Intelligent Moving Robot Symposium” (co-hosted by RSJ, JSME and SICE), “Symposium on Robotics Automation Systems” (hosted by SICE), “Robot Symposium” (hosted by RSJ) and “Robot Sensor Symposium” (co-hosted by RSJ, JSME and SICE), which were held individually in the past, were integrated into the Robotics Symposia. The purpose of the Symposia is to broadly facilitate communication of research and information between researchers engaging in robotics-related studies by eliminating the barriers between academic societies, and especially to create an opportunity allowing a higher level of discussion. The 25th Symposium was held in 2020.
(hosted by the Robotics Society of Japan, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (Robotics and Mechatronics Division), and the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers)

Robotics Symposia (in Japanese)


Robotics Seminars

We plan and host robotics seminars that cover everything from basic to advanced technical topics. (Business Plan Committee)

Robotics Seminars(in Japanese)

Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan

From the establishment of the Society in 1983, we have been issuing the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (JRSJ). This journal provides “News” from the Society and “Special Features” introducing new trends in research and development of robotics. 10 journals are published each year (in January, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, and December). Articles that are published within this journal are eligible to receive the Society’s Best Paper Award. The previously-published issues of the JRSJ are electronically archived and can be searched online. (Editorial Committee for the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan)

Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan


At the time of its premier issue, Advanced Robotics was published as the English translation of special features, etc., of the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan. It is currently published as an English journal under independent projects. 24 issues are published each year. Advanced Robotics is registered in the Institute for Scientific Information, and information pertaining to published articles is sent worldwide via the CompuMath Citation Index. (The European Language Journal Committee)


Publication of Other Issues

We plan and implement projects such as the Robotics Textbook Series. (Publishing Business Committee)

Other Issues


Research and Study

Special Interest Groups

When research necessary for the Society and research and study accompanying such research (limited to two years) are desirable, a Special Interest Group can be established by submitting an application to the Board of Directors and obtaining approval.

We accept applications at any time and proposals will be discussed by the Board of Directors. When establishment is approved, a Committee may be launched from the first day of the following month.

(*The business accounting year of the Robotics Society of Japan is from January to December.)

RSJ Special Interest Groups Regulations

Surveillance Committee

A Surveillance Committee will be established with the purpose to perform necessary research and study on the subject matters assigned by the Board of Directors.

RSJ Surveillance Committee Regulations

Commissioned Research

When an external organization requests that certain research be conducted by the Society and the Board of Directors determines that the Society will accept such commissioned research, a Surveillance Committee will be established and the research will be performed.

RSJ Commissioned Research Regulations



List of awards

Best Paper Award

Best Paper Awards will be given to the authors of articles which are deemed excellent by the Awards Committee. The articles are selected from those published in the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (full papers, academic papers, technical papers). Articles eligible for the awards are those published from January of the year before last year to December of last year.

Advanced Robotics Paper Awards

Advanced Robotics Paper Awards will be given to the authors of articles which are deemed excellent by the Awards Committee. The articles are selected from those published in Advanced Robotics (full papers,short papers,survey papers). Articles eligible for the awards are those published from January of the year before last year to December of last year.

Technical Innovations Award

The purpose of the Technical Innovation Award is to facilitate the automation of industrial areas and to further promote the contribution of robot technology to society by directly using the achievements of the research and development of the same technology to improve social life. The award will be given to those persons who submitted papers for publication in JRSJ or Advanced Robotics during the year and who have achieved excellent development of technical innovation related to robots. Selection will be made by the Award Committee.

Excellent Research and Technology Award

Excellent Research and Technology Award will be given to authors of presentations which are deemed outstanding research and technology at annual conference of the RSJ. There is no age limitation. After comprehensive review of usefulness, originality, novelty, completeness, and presentations at the annual conference, the final selection will be made by the Selection Subcommittee.

Excellent Presentation Award

Excellent Presentation Award will be given to speakers who give the best presentation at annual conference of the RSJ. Awardee has no age limitation. After comprehensive review of the contributions of the registered speaker to research and presentation at the annual conference, the final selection will be made by the Selection Subcommittee.

Young Investigation Excellence Award

The Young Investigation Excellence Award will be given to young researchers or engineers who have provided excellent presentations of research, and selection will be made by the Award Committee. Those individuals who gave lectures and presentations at the Annual Conference in the year before the awarding year are eligible. (Please note that certain limitations of qualifications for the award, such as age, apply.)

Robotics Symposia Young Investigator Excellence Award

The Robotics Symposia Young Investigator Excellence Award will be given to young researchers or engineers who have provided excellent presentations of research, and selection will be made by the Award Committee. Those individuals who gave lectures and presentations at the Robotics Symposia of the Society in the year the awarding year are eligible. (Please note that certain limitations of qualifications for the award, such as age, apply.)

International Session Best Presentation Award

This award is presented to selected researchers/engineers who made their presentations in English at international sessions in the annual conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ). In principle, the award is presented to the recipient during the same annual conference of the RSJ by the General Chair of the conference.

Robots and Society Award

The Robots and Society Award is given to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the realization of a“robot-friendly society” by promoting and facilitating robots and robotics in society through various forms or by through social innovations. The award will be given to those persons, etc who had applied for or been nominated for the award during the year or who have been nominated through investigation of the Award Committee. Selection will be made by the Award Committee.

Distinguished Service Award

The purpose of the Distinguished Service Award is to reciprocate and reward individuals who have achieved significant and substantial contribution to the management and activities of the Society. The award will be given through the selection of the Award Committee based on the recommendation of qualified persons in the year (such as recent executives), etc.

Excellent Student Award

Excellent Student Award will be given to undergraduates of university and college students of National Institute of Technology who have excellent academic achievements in order to encourage academics for students with aspirations in robotics. One student is recommended by five full-time faculties of the RSJ member per one department of the university or advanced course of national institute of technology, and the award will be given after decisions of the Board of Directors.


Communication and Cooperation with Related Domestic and Foreign Academic Organizations

We co-host and support symposia, etc., with domestic academic societies and organizations related to robots. In addition, we co-host and support the following international meetings related to the Society.

  • International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB)
  • IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for the Intelligent Systems (MFI)
  • International Symposium on Robot and Human Communication (ROMAN)
  • IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)
  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  • International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR)
  • International Symposium on Robots (ISR)
  • Micro Materials Conference (Micro Mat)
  • International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS)

Article 30 (“Exception to lack of novelty of invention”) of the Patent Act, stipulates that “In the case of an invention which has fallen under any of the items of Article 29 (1) by reason of the fact that the person having the right to obtain a patent has conducted a test, has made a presentation in a printed publication, has made a presentation through electric telecommunication lines, or has made a presentation in writing at a study meeting held by an academic group designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, such invention shall be deemed not have fallen under any of the items of Article 29(1) for the purposes of Article 29(1) and (2) for the invention claimed in a patent application which has been filed by the said person within six months from the date on which the invention first fell under any of those items (snip)”. The Robotics Society of Japan is an academic group under Article 30, etc. of the Patent Act.
The details on Article 30 of the Patent Act can be viewed from the review of designation procedures, etc., of the Japan Patent Office's website.