Report of International Robotics Forum for High School Students (IRH 2013)

December 10, 2013


Sponsored by: The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ)

Cosponsored by: Japan Robot Association and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Ltd.

Supported by: BYNAS Co., Ltd., ROBOCON MAGAZINE

Date: Thursday November 7, 2013, and Friday November 8, 2013

Date of open presentation: Friday November 8, 2013

Venue: At the site of the International Robot Exhibition 2013, Tokyo International Exhibition Center

Executive committee of IRH 2013:

Supervisor: Norio Kodaira, President of RSJ, Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Chair: Hisashi Ohsumi, Vice president of RSJ, Chuo University
Secretary: Yuji Hosoda, Director and secretary-general of RSJ
Committeemen: Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Director of RSJ, University of Tsukuba
Hideo Hayashi, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Ltd.
Sadao Kawamura, Ritsumeikan University
Shinya Kotosaka, Saitama University
Yusuke Maeda, Director of RSJ, Yokohama National University
Akihiro Matsumoto, Director of RSJ, Toyo University
Tetsuo Noda, Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Tomomasa Satou, The University of Tokyo
Keiichi Shimamura, Kanagawa Youth Center
Nobuyoshi Shimizu, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Ltd.
Motoko Takenishi, Ohmsha, Ltd.
Shigeaki Yanai, Japan Robot Association

The Robotics Society of Japan


Japan Robot Association




Robocon Magazine


Robotics educational project of RSJ for high school students in the world

Learning by lectures of basic robotics

Study and report of iREX 2013

Introduction of robotics educational trial on each school

Awards for outstanding presentations

Experience of international communication

Encourage of future robotics researcher and engineer


"Robot high school" that was an educational program for Japanese high school students using real industrial robot as learning resource have been hold in 2009 and 2011. These were corroboration with iREX 2009 and 2011.

RSJ planned this event as one of globalization actions in 2013 when IROS 2013 would be hold at Tokyo.

We announced hosting of IRH 2013 on our web site and journal, and ask participating to many Japanese and oversea high schools that may have interesting to robotics education and experiences of such robotics conventions as Robocup, Robocon and WRO.

Number of participants has finally been 109 and number of entrant schools have been 19. 18 participants and 3 schools have come from Norway, USA and China.

[Entrant school]

Toyota National College of Technology

Osaka Prefecture University College of Technology

Waialua High & Intermediate School, USA, Hawaii

Isesaki Technical High School

Utsunomiya Technical High School

Saitama Prefectural Sayama Technical High School

Niiza Sogo Gijutsu High School

Kawagoe technical high school

St. Olav High School, Norway

Tezukayama Junior & Senior High School

Oyama National College of Technology

Ristsumeikan Junior and Senior High School

Ritsumeikan Uji High School

Ritsumeikan Moriyama High School

Pui Ching Middle School, MACAU, China

Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology

Hida-Kamioka High School

Ogaki Technical High School

Makuhari Junior & Senior High School

* click to enlarge


1) Schedule: Detail of schedule is here.

Thursday November 7, 2013
  1. Lectures of basic robotics
  2. Study of iREX 2013
Friday November 8, 2013
  1. Preparation for report of iREX study
  2. Open presentations; iREX study report and presentation "High school students and Robots"
  3. Award ceremony

2) Lectures of basic robotics:Presentation data of following two lectures are here.

a) Lecture 1: "Introduction of Creative Robot Design,"

Prof. Shigeo Hirose, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Prof. Hirose presented to the students how to create new robot concept, philosophy of system design and mind of growing up as researcher and engineer with reviewing many examples of robots developed by him.

b) Lecture 2: "ABC of Robotics,"

Mr. Akio Noda, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Mr. Noda presented to the students basic and manufacturing technologies and business strategy of industrial robots from severe view of a robot maker. Moreover, he introduced study points of iREX 2013.

3) Study of iREX 2013and preparation of report

We prepared 10 type themes for industrial robot study, and delivered them to each school with drawing a lot. Students walked around iREX site and asked booth staffs or took pictures of robot demonstrations based on their study theme in the afternoon on the first day. They made presentation data for the "iREX study report" in the morning on the second day, and speakers of each school reported results of their study in the afternoon.

Map of iREX 2013 site is here

Web site of iREX 2013 is here

Field study at iREX 2013 site

Making of iREX study report data

4) Open presentation:

The iREX study report and the presentation "High school students and robots" were held at the main stage in the iREX site in the afternoon on the second day. Number of general audiences was about 75.

a) iREX study report:

18 schools did the iREX study report. Presentation time for each school was limited in 4 minutes, and all schools punctually finished their presentation in 4 minutes. Time of the field study at iREX site was only half day and preparation time for the presentation was about 2.5 hours, however every students made excellent presentation.

The themes of the iREX study report and presentation data of each school

Themes of iREX study report Schools
(Click the name to find presentation data)
Subject: Fast moving robots
Theme: Species and applications of the each robot
Tezukayama Junior & Senior High School
Ritsumeikan Moriyama High School
Subject: large size robots
Theme: Species and applications of the each robot
Ristsumeikan Junior and Senior High School
Subject: Small size robots
Theme: Species and applications of the each robot
Oyama National College of Technology
Hida-Kamioka High School
Subject: Robots which handle machinery products (automobile, machinery parts, metal, etc.)
Theme: Species of the each robot and how they work
Isesaki Technical High School
Utsunomiya Technical High School
Subject: Robots which handle Electric appliances (Electronic components, consumer electronics, etc.)
Theme: Species of the each robot and how they work
Toyota National College of Technology
Pui Ching Middle School, MACAU, China
Subject: Robots which handle products other than Electric appliances and machinery products
Theme: Species of the each robot and how they work
Osaka Prefecture University College of Technology
Niiza Sogo Gijutsu High School
Subject: End effectors (Devices attached to the wrist of the robots, such as hand) for each application
Theme: Species of the each end effector and how they work
Waialua High & Intermediate School, USA, Hawaii
Subject: Robots which use vision sensors (TV camera, 3 dimensional laser scanner, etc.)
Theme: Species of vision sensors used by the robots and how they work
Kawagoe technical high school
Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology
Subject: Robots which use force sensors
Theme: Species of force sensors and how they work
Saitama Prefectural Sayama Technical High School
St. Olav High School, Norway
Subject: Industrial robots
Theme: Classification of mechanism types of the industrial robots and applications of the each type
Ritsumeikan Uji High School
Ogaki Technical High School
b) Presentation "High school students and robots":

13 schools introduced their daily activity in robotics education trial or experiences in robotics competition events. 10 presentations were done by the students and other 3 presentations were done by the teachers. Presentation time for each school was limited in 10 minutes, and all schools punctually finished their presentation in 10 minutes. All schools have prepared well presentation materials and all presentations were excellent as the iREX study report.

Title and summary of each presentation "High school students and robots"

Name of School
(Click the school name to find the presentation data)


(There is possibility that characters of this contents garble because they include Japanese characters.)

Utsunomiya Technical High School

The educational benefits of the robots manufacturing through the participation in World Robot Olympiad


Hida-Kamioka High School

An Introduction to the Production of Bipedal Humanoid Robots at Hida-Kamioka High School


Pui Ching Middle School, MACAU, China

The development of Macau's robot education and the ROV Team of Macau Puiching Middle School

Our school’s ROV team was founded in September 2012. Although it is only a twelve-student team, we have the enthusiasm and passion to explore the world of robots. Our goal is to discover the potential of the teammates and attain a thorough development of every member, so each teammate was assigned for different jobs that he/she can master best. For example in the engineering part, we got both electrical and technical engineer. For management, we even had positions like, CEO and CFO, to name a few, in order to let our teammates to obtain all-rounded development throughout the program.
In December 2012, we made our first ROV Octopus. Echoing the rapid development of technology, we built a new ROV named Eagle Ray and joint the 8th Hong Kong/Asia Regional of the MATE International ROV Competition in April. After this competition, we took one step forward to the international stage by getting the qualification to participate in the 12th annual MATE international ROV competition in June that held at Seattle. After a series of competition and exchange of ideas with students from other countries, our team received lots of experience and this definitely elevated our knowledge to ROV.
Through this year, our team has developed a close rapport and is determined to do more research on ROV and develop the skills to make our robot better. In the future, we will spread the knowledge of ROV to other students and let them experience the fun of ROV. Also we will be striving for the chance to let our team reach the widest and deepest in the field of ROV.

Isesaki Technical High School

Challenge the dream


Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology

Utility of Multilegged Walking Robot with Joints


Makuhari Junior & Senior High School

Our Robots!


St. Olav High School, Norway

Norwegian Programme subject Techonology and theory of research
-Planning for robotics as a learning platform-

St. Olav secondary school are preparing for a new programme subject for our students: Technology and theory of research. This programme subject represents two unique fields of knowledge, yet can be seen as closely related fields. The education shall help students to understand how interaction between these fields makes an arena for creativity and innovation. There are four main subject areas for the programme: 1. Design and product development, 2. The young engineer, 3. The young researcher, 4. Technology, science and society.
Combining robotics and education makes possible exciting opportunities to motivate, challenge and inspire youth to learn about science and technology. We aim to use robotics as a learning platform for three of the main subject areas: 1. Design and product development, 2. The young engineer, 4. Technology, science and society.
Since this programme subject is in its planning phase, St. Olav High school is participating at the IRH mainly for discussing how robotics-based educational projects are planned in other parts of the world, and to get to know experiences from other students.
We plan to use the Scandinavian based LEGO MINDSTORM EV3 system as our robotics platform. Our presentation will give an overview of how we plan to use robotics to reach the programme subjects goal for learning.

Oyama National College of Technology

Development of a Gesture Operated Ball-Throwing Robot for Robot Contest 2012 of National College of Technology


Tezukayama Junior & Senior High School

A inquiry activity of robot by Tezukayama robot team

帝塚山中学校・高等学校理科部ロボット班は,2008年度から活動を開始し本年で6年目を迎え,中学1年生から高校3年生までの6学年の生徒50名以上が所属している.これまで取り組んできた活動は大きく3つである.具体的には,(1) 各種ロボット競技大会への参加.(2) レゴマインドストームを用いた小学生に向けたロボット教室の開催.(3) Arduino(マイコンボード)を用いた自作ロボットの製作.である.本発表では,これらの活動内容を報告する.

Ritsumeikan Moriyama High School

Action of the robot in Ritsumeikan Moriyama High School


Osaka Prefecture University College of Technology (OPUCT)

Introduction of Rescue Robot Contest and Activities of Welfare Science Research Club

2000年より関西ではレスキューロボットコンテストが毎年8月に開催されている.そのコンテストの概要を紹介すると共にそのコンテストに参加している大阪府立大学高専 福祉科学研究会の取り組みを紹介する.

Toyota National College of Technology

Educational Effect of Continuous Participation for RoboCup International Competition


Waialua High & Intermediate School USA, Hawaii

Helpful Tips on Managing and Sustaining a FIRST Robotics Program

Team 359 - The Waialua Robotics Program will conduct a PowerPoint and video presentation on Program Management and Sustainability for interested FIRST Robotics teams. Specifically, we will present a 10 minute Presentation, which includes showing our 3 minute 2011 Chairman’s Award Video, describe the importance and impact of FIRST and the affected culture of our school community, provide handouts, and allow for questions at the end.
The approach focuses on how our program is established within the school, community and the partnerships established with businesses, sponsors, mentors, and government. Our team will share about our program history, including the many challenges that our team is faced with and how we address those issues with both short and long term goals. We have lots of meaningful experiences to share and how we were both successful and unsuccessful in addressing those specific challenges along the way. Fundraising ideas and sustainability will be discussed in detail, including links to possible funding sources for teams to explore. Past Hawaii legislative bills will be shared that lead up to State-wide support of the STEM and Robotics initiatives. In addition, interested teams will get to see several of our grant proposals, which will be dissected and discussed on how we were able to successfully receive support for our facilities, equipment and renovation efforts at our school.
In summary, the purpose of the presentation is to help teams address the most common challenges in managing and sustaining a FIRST Robotics program.

5) Awards ceremony:

a) Following three schools were selected as outstanding presenter from all 18 presentations of the "iREX study report" and RSJ presented them "IRH 2013 Best Report Award".


Utsunomiya Technical High School

Pui Ching Middle School, MACAU, China

Oyama National College of Technology

* click to enlarge

b) Following three schools were selected as outstanding presenter from 10 presentations of the presentation "High school students and robots" that were done by students and RSJ presented them "IRH 2013 Best Presentation Award".


Pui Ching Middle School, MACAU, China

Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology

Oyama National College of Technology

* click to enlarge

c) "Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Presentation in IRH 2013" was presented to following all teacher’s presentation in the presentation "High school students and robots".

St. Olav High School, Norway

Toyota National College of Technology

Waialua High & Intermediate School USA, Hawaii

d) "Certificate of IRH 2013" was presented to all participants.

e) General comment:
We assessed the presentations to select award winners. However, all presentations were excellent and level difference between all presentations was negligible. All speakers were exactly punctual to the presentation limit time with well controlled speaking. Attitude, utterance and manners of presentation might be better than those of university students in many conferences. Especially, preparation time for the iREX study report was limited very short; nevertheless the all presentations in the iREX study report were well summarized and easy to understand. Preparations of the presentation “High school students and robots” were enough too. All presentations had attractive points and all speakers introduced them cleverly. We believe that these excellent presentations depend on daily student’s effort and good leading of teachers. We would like to give honor to their great activity.

The report of IRH 2013 (pdf) is here.