Advanced Robotics Special issue: Advanced Construction Robot System (Dead line: March 19)
Advanced Robotics Special Issue on Advanced Construction Robot Systemの投稿〆切りを、3/19(金)(JST)に延長いたしました。
Advanced Roboticsの論文投稿ページ
Advanced RoboticsのCFP
※以前の2/28の〆切りがかかれておりますが、3/19 が新しい〆切りです。
New CFP: AR Advanced Construction Robot System
Special Issue on Advanced Construction Robot System
Guest Editors: Prof. Hisashi Osumi (Chuo University, Japan), Prof. Genya Ishigami (Keio University, Japan), Prof. Keiji Nagatani (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Editor: Prof. Kazunori Ohno (Tohoku University, Japan)
Publication in Vol. 35, No. 24 (December 2021)
Advanced Construction Robot System is an important and promising application domain in robotics. Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big data, Robotics Technology (RT) are connected by high-speed communication and each industry is digitized and automated utilizing the real big data, has great impact on the industry. Against the background of this global revolution in the industry, the construction sites are also advancing the digitization, robotization, and automation of construction machinery and human works. In developed countries such as Japan, it is necessary to shorten the construction period and improve efficiency in order to tackle the reduction and aging of the working population and the reduction of energy and CO2. Also, with the worldwide spread of COVID-19, remote control technology and automation are becoming more and more necessary. Such social needs are also accelerating the importance of the advanced construction robot system.
This special issue aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this active research area with the latest results on construction robot systems and its technologies. Therefore, we solicit technical papers on all aspects of construction robotics including, but not limited to, the following topics:
*Mechatronic systems and model-based control for construction automation
*Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for automated/mechatronic construction engineering
*Real-time mapping, localization and navigation in automated/mechatronic construction environments
*Human-machine interaction and control
*Retrofit technology for construction automation
*Automated/ mechatronic methods and systems in unstructured environments
*Terramechanics and safety for construction robot system
*Construction robot system for disaster response
Submission: Your complete manuscript (either PDF file or MS word file) should be submitted by March 19, 2021 (JST) to the office of Advanced Robotics, the Robotics Society of Japan through our homepage ( Instruction to the authors and the sample formats of the manuscript is also available there. Please send the copy to Prof. Kazunori Ohno ( as well for confirmation.